Er der monstro nogen, der kan fortælle mig, om AWE-udgivelsen af "Revenge: A Love Story" lider under de samme visuelle problemer, der plager Terracottas?
Og er den ligeledes ucensureret?:
J Hurtado skrev:Worth mentioning is that Terror-Cotta's DVD release is apparently an uncut version when compared to the HK release. I haven't seen the HK version to compare, but that is certainly important to a lot of people and deserves notice.
Dette er den eneste omtale af AWE-skivens billedkvalitet, jeg har fundet:
Thor Willy Bakke skrev:TekniskHelt forferdelig. Fargene er utvaskede og grå, konturene og kontrastene spretter mellom alle ender av skalaen og korn er det jammen også plass til. Jeg kan ikke få meg til å tro at råmaterialet var fullt så dårlig, man kan jo filme med bedre kvalitet med flere år gamle mobiltelefoner. Overføringen til DVD må antakeligvis ha gått i hui og hast og med virus på maskinene. Lyden er ullen og elendig, men tross alt bedre enn bildet. Ikke noe ekstrastoff.
Om Terracotta-udgivelsen:
Slarek skrev:And it was all going so well. On the up side the image is clean, detailed, and at its best boasts a solid and well-balanced contrast range, which is pleasingly rendered on a medium sized CRT screen or PC monitor. But on a larger plasma or LCD, a number of problems caused by the NTSC to PAL conversion process are all too evident. Leading the pack are some major motion issues that are clearly visible on any substantial movement of camera or character – when Kit flees the police, there are times when he has the same number of limbs as a scuttling spider, and on the rare case when the camera tilts up or down the picture judders starkly. There are minor but visible jaggies on diagonal lines and some shimmering on horizontals and fine detail, and the contrast integrity varies quite a bit, though how much of this is down to post-production tinkering is, as ever, a difficult call. The toned-down colour scheme would appear to have been an artistic choice rather than a transfer issue – in the night-time mini-fairground sequence the colours are quite vivid.
... but the standards conversion issues on Terracotta's DVD do get in the way and at their worst are quite distracting.

Michael Den Boer skrev:Terracotta Distribution presents Revenge: A Love Story in an anamorphic widescreen that preserves the films original aspect ratio. Colors fare well and flesh tones look accurate. Black levels are inconsistent and details at time look too soft. Also there is noticeable ‘combing’ of the image that is most pronounced during moments with heavy movement.
J Hurtado skrev:The Disc:
The first Terror-Cotta disc,
Death Bell, had some serious image problems. The most glaring issue with that release was that it was a non-anamorphic widescreen release, which was sort of baffling. Thankfully, in spite of the original specs,
Revenge: A Love Story is anamorphic and looks significantly better. The major downside of the image here is that it is an NTSC-PAL conversion, which I know doesn't bother some people, but during some of the action sequences there are some pretty serious jaggies. The color palate is quite muted, and I tend to think that's intentional, but I can't be sure. The audio track fares much better, with a fairly active surround performance, though it tends to clip at the high end, perhaps it was mixed a bit too loud. I didn't find it terribly distracting, but buyer beware.