[Little person Tito is not happy with the dream sequence]
Tito: Why does my character have to be a dwarf?
Nick: He doesn't have to be.
Tito: Then why is he? Is that the only way you can make this a dream, to put a dwarf in it?
Nick: No, Tito, I...
Tito: Have you ever had a dream with a dwarf in it? Do you know anyone who's had a dream with a dwarf in it? No! I don't even have dreams with dwarves in them. The only place I've seen dwarves in dreams is in stupid movies like this! "Oh make it weird, put a dwarf in it!". Everyone will go "Woah, this must be a fuckin' dream, there's a fuckin' dwarf in it!". Well I'm sick of it! You can take this dream sequence and stick it up your ass!
Ovesen skrev:Det er svært at få dværge til at spille ordentligt skuespil, da deres største talent oftest blot er, at være dværge.
Yousef skrev:Wow ...Hvad var hans pervese hemmelighed?
Yousef skrev:Ja han kan sparke sig selv i hovedet! ...men udover det
Ovesen skrev:Så forleden en digtsamling af Torben Bille i et antikvariat!!!!
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